Updates on first iOS event in Minsk!
The event date is changed to June 18!
Starring speaker:
Mark Wilcox, Senior Engineering Consultant from SteelyEye, UK, an experienced mobile software architect, having previously worked on devices for Ericsson, Fujitsu, Nokia, Panasonic & Samsung. He is the author of two books on mobile software development and has spoken at several international conferences. He currently leads app development projects across all major platforms and will be speaking about "The Future of Mobile Software Development".
Speaking: Vladimir Puzanov (Kiev), Taras Kalapun, iOS trainer (Kiev), Sergej Frasl Glebov (Minsk), Ivan Suhinin (Minsk) and Sergey Balashevich (Minsk).
Event location and afterparty details will be sent personally during the event week. But you will definitely like it ;)
The registration is closed!
Look forward seeing you on the first iOS event in Minsk in the very beginning of Summer!

Please spread the information with your colleagues! Twi hash tag #CiklumMob
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